We all likely have an understanding of the value of communication, and we've all probably seen both good and bad examples of it. I can say that I personally have seen bad communication up close and personal. In the 5th grade I had to stand on stage, with a few other students, to read outloud, at a podium with a microphone, one at a time, a short paragraph or two, to an audience of students.
If i say that it didn’t go well for me, I'm sure you can imagine how it may have played out. It wasn't my finest moment. I was terrified of speaking.
Over the years, i have come to understand how critically important communication, good communication really is.
In the bringing it home section, John Maxwell talks about the 3 quick and memorable tips that we can all do to improve our own communication abilities.
1. Be clear as a bell.
As you can see above, I have a tendency to tell drawn out stories. Sometimes useful, but not always.
2. Refocus your attention.
I can say for sure that when my speech began to crumble, I was focused on me and what they were thinking of me.
3. Live your message.
When you're talking with someone one on one, they can tell, just like you've been able to tell about others when they were talking with you, about whether what is being said is true or a load of BS that is being made up.
So to improve your communication skills, remember to keep these things in mind as you move forward in life.
Keep it short and simple.
Focus your attention on them.
Live your message.