Anchor Your Identity in Christ

Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.  Romans 8:37

Several years ago, I preached a message on how the devil sometimes uses the first-person pronoun to plant thoughts in our heads to deceive us. For example, he doesn't say, "You have an eating disorder" or "You have an addiction." The devil uses the first-person pronoun to sow thoughts such as these in your mind: "I have an eating disorder" or "I am addicted to pornography." He makes you think that you are thinking those thoughts of defeat. He wants you to believe that is who you are.

Upon hearing this message, a man named Walter, whom the devil had used this strategy on and trapped in a destructive addiction for many years, went home after church, locked himself in his room, and for the first time declared out loud, "I am not an addict!" He chose to reject this evil mind-set in the name of Jesus. He related this: "At that very moment, I felt something powerful happen inside me. I don't know how to describe this. It was as if life became spectacular because of the love of God, and I couldn't contain the feeling."

After making that confession out loud, Walter said, "My addiction stopped. I just lost all interest, and I don't feel even a little bit tempted. All the wrong desires are gone, and best of all, I know I love Jesus more than ever before and I can't live without Him. I am renewed. I am reborn. I know that everything is in His control, and I am blessed and forgiven."

Wow! What an amazing testimony of God's power and goodness in this brother's life. With just one declaration, he broke the mental stronghold that the devil had placed him under for many years. That is truly the power of right believing. If you can change what you believe, you can change your life, just like this brother did.

Are there lies about your identity that you believe in today? Break the power of those lies by declaring your identity in Christ. Say out loud, "I am a child of God. I am healed, forgiven, righteous, and holy in Christ Jesus." Instead of believing the devil's lies when he uses the first-person pronoun strategy against you, speak your true identity in Jesus.

MMTI | Super Structure
Celebrating the legacy of Rob Carman (


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