The Challenge

Our culture is in deep trouble, and at the heart of its trouble is its loss of a vision for authentic manhood. It is becoming increasingly more difficult for us as males to maintain our masculine balance in this gender-neutral' culture. Nonetheless it is our responsibility as men  to supply our present men and the next generation of men with healthy, noble visions of manhood.   

The Vision: 

A intentional training community/network of passionate men who are committed to learning, growing and applying principles to obtain results in every area of life through their leadership. Men who are not perfect but serious about playing the game of life to win with an eternal perspective in mind.


MMTI  exists  as a national training center  to provide intense, strategic and systematic training for men in the 21st. century.  Our focus is to teach, train and release men into their God given purposes to have significant impact in every facet of their lives. After the completion of coursework and graduation, men will have had comprehensive training on the many facets of manhood and thus be able to assume their roles as men, husbands, fathers and leaders in a exemplary fashion in their  communities while becoming excellent models for other men to follow. 

The trumpet has been blown… 

The world is waiting for Mighty Men, can we count on you? 


Michael  Small 
Executive Director 

VOW James 1:5

Read James 1:5  in context, copy it on a 3x5 card, & review the verse every day.

James 1:5    But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.     James 1:5

Review  James 1:5  every day (multiple times), meditate on it/think on it/PRAY through it.

Review 1 Timothy 6:12 every day.

Review Romans 8: 1-2 Monday, Wednesday, & Friday.

Review  James 1:2-4 Tuesday, and Thursday.

 Review  1 Kings 2:2 Saturday and Sunday #1.

Review  John 15:4 Saturday and Sunday #2.

Review  Ephesians 5:18 Saturday and Sunday #3.

Review  2 Corinthians 5:17 Saturday and Sunday #4.


Review occasionally: Romans 10:13, Romans 10:9-10, Romans 6:23, Romans 3:23

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